Besafe Training Ltd
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Height Safety Equipment Inspector

Tuesday 29th November 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Besafe Training Centre, 220J Bush Road, Rosedale View Map
The course "Height Safety Equipment Inspector" has finished

The Besafe Training Height Safety Equipment Inspector course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to identify inspect and maintain height safety equipment.


You will learn to:


Identify industrial rope access equipment.

Identify manufacturers' maintenance instructions.

Identify manufacturers' maintenance specifications.

Reject damaged and/or worn equipment.

Correct recording and documentation procedures


Recommended for people who are required to undertake scheduled inspections on height safety (fall arrest/restraint) equipment.


NZQA unit standards include

  • US 19359 Inspect and maintain height safety equipment


Other unit standards available upon request:

  • US 25045 Employ height safety equipment in the workplace




The Besafe Training Height Safety Equipment Inspector course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to identify inspect... more

Height Inspector - US 19359 $192.36 +GST
(Sales Ended)

Available 31 Oct 2022 - 28 Nov 2022

You can pay for this booking by: Credit/Debit Card (fee of 2.50% per booking applies)

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